Our Story

The Story behind babocush

The Babocush Cushion is Born

The babocush cushion has been hailed a 'miracle product' by tens of thousands of parents across the globe since 2016. It sold out within hours of launching and has been soothing unsettled babies across the globe ever since! It came about when Kerry's son Harry was born. Harry was diagnosed with colic and silent reflux and was only ever settled when resting against her chest. He cried in his bouncer, his pram and his crib; he even cried in his car seat!

Kerry's Story

Having such an unsettled newborn baby meant Kerry was getting very little sleep, was struggling to make time for her toddler and husband and found coping with day-to-day life a huge challenge. She created the babocush cushion for her own baby and when friends and family found about it, they wanted to borrow it for their babies too.

Why Kerry invented the babocush

"Setting Harry down when I needed to jump in the shower or tend to his sister was really traumatic - Harry screeched in pain until I held him in my arms again. I knew I couldn't go on like this - I needed something that could hold Harry the way I did and that simulated the vibration of my voice and beat of my heart. But it didn’t exist."

The babocush is Born

Harry's home-made comfort cushion was soon high in demand; many people were asking to borrow it and many others were asking if they could pay Kerry to make them their own. It was upsetting to think of so many babies struggling with reflux and colic like Harry did. Kerry had no idea that what began as a simple solution for her baby would eventually bring so much peace of mind to new parents and comfort and contentment to new born babies all across the globe.

Babocush USP - Baby icon


You can adjust the incline of the babocush cushion, ensuring your baby is the correct position to ease gas pains and prevent acid reflux.

Babocush USP icon - Happy baby


With the body, hands, feet, side of the face and head in contact with the cushion, your baby will not experience startling.

Babocush USP icon - Prevents Flat Head Syndrome


The babocush cushion provides more comfortable tummy time. Flattening of the head may occur if not enough tummy time is provided.

Babocush USP - Baby face icon

Reduces crying from colic

The cushion helps prevent colic by holding your baby securely just like you do and has the extra comfort of a gentle vibration and heartbeat sound.

Babocush USP icon - Relieves Wind

Relieves wind

You can pop your baby on the cushion immediately after a feed and it will hold them just like you do, bringing instant relief from wind / gas pains.

Babocush USP icon - Airways Relax

Allows airways to relax

Holds your baby in a very natural position, allowing the airways to relax and stay open as opposed to sitting slumped over in a bouncer, rocker or car seat.