What To Do When You Think Your Baby Has Colic

Do You Think Your Baby Has Colic?

Posted by Kerry Nevins on

Being a new parent is tough, especially if you’re caring for your first child. You can fall into the habit of second guessing your every decision and constantly worrying that your baby’s health is in peril. Even a few coughs and splutters are enough to cause great anxiety in new parents. 

Fortunately, with time and experience, many parents become accustomed to dealing with their baby’s health as they get to know their child’s behavior a little better and learn to have faith in their own abilities as parents. However, it also helps to be able to recognise the signs and symptoms of common baby health issues and to know what to do when they present themselves. Take colic for instance. 

When your baby is crying excessively and making more of a fuss than normal, this can be distressing for parents and is a potential sign of Colic. Let’s take a look at what to do if you are worried that your little one is troubled with this affliction.

What is Colic? Signs and Symptoms

Colic is defined by a prolonged period of crying and screaming even though the baby is well fed, changed and generally healthy. Bouts of screaming usually last 3 hours or more in length (which can feel like a lifetime for an anxious parent). Your baby may cry as though they are in pain, their face may turn red and they may clench their fists. Babies with colic may also cry at specific times in the day. 

Doctors are still not entirely sure what causes colic, but potential causes include one or more of the following;

  • Discomfort from indigestion
  • Sensitivity to formula or even their mother’s breast milk
  • Underdeveloped digestive system
  • Over or under eating
  • Overstimulation, fear or excitement
  • Bloating and gassiness as baby swallows air when crying

So… what do you do if you think your baby has Colic?

If your baby displays symptoms of colic, medical intervention is rarely needed. There is no way to avoid colic, but parents can make it easier for their child by knowing what to do when it presents itself.

Give your baby lots of love and attention. Skin on skin contact is a great way to help your baby feel calm and relaxed. Try putting a warm bottle near the baby's belly to help them feel warm and comforted. Take them somewhere dark and lay them down on their back. Sing soothingly to them and give them lots of loving contact or possibly a baby massage. 

The more comfortable and relaxed a baby feels, the more likely symptoms of colic are to dissipate quickly and leave the baby feeling happy and content.

How the Babocush can help with Colic

The babocush creates a relaxing and comfortable environment for babies. It creates serene womb-like conditions and is the closest thing you can get to holding your baby in your arms at all times. Many users note that the babocush is highly effective in calming babies affected by colic and helps alleviate the symptoms. With soothing vibrations and a gentle heartbeat sound, it helps babies feel relaxed, comforted and reassured.

When your baby doesn't stop crying, it’s the worst feeling in the world. The sound is bad enough, but you can’t escape the sinking feeling in your tummy of not being able to calm them down. Every parent feels like this at some point, but you can avoid it! Read our top five tips to soothe your crying or colicky baby.

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