Help - My Baby Won't Stop crying, advice from Babocush

Help - My Baby Won't Stop Crying

Posted by Kerry Nevins on

Although it’s natural for babies to cry, intense or prolonged crying can be distressing for everyone. If you’ve ruled out more urgent medical problems and day-to-day triggers, you may find that your baby is distressed because of common issues, such as wind / gas, reflux or colic. 

Knowing what’s causing your baby’s crying can relieve your worry and enable you to tackle the problem effectively. When you’re unable to soothe your baby, it can be extremely distressing for both of you. However, keeping yourself calm is essential. 

Understanding Why Babies Cry

Every parent's heart aches with a crying baby. But those cries are actually your little one's way of communicating their needs! Let's decipher their cries together, mama.

Common Reasons for Baby Crying:

  • Hungry Tummies: A rumbling tummy is a surefire way to bring on the tears. Look for feeding cues like rooting (turning their head towards your touch) and sucking motions.
  • Dirty Diapers: A wet or messy diaper can be quite uncomfortable. Check their diaper frequently and change it promptly.
  • Sleepy Time: Babies cry when they're overtired. Watch for yawns, fussiness, and eye rubbing. Establishing a bedtime routine can help your little one learn to wind down for sleep.
  • Sensory Overload: Too much noise, light, or activity can overwhelm a baby. Try dimming the lights, speaking softly, and taking them to a quieter space.
  • Teething: Teething can cause discomfort and fussiness. Teething toys and chilled washcloths can provide relief.

Infants can sense their caregiver’s emotions, so, if you’re tense and stressed, your baby’s going to pick up on it and this could fuel their crying. Whilst skin-to-skin contact can be an effective way to stop baby crying, it isn’t always effective. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, it’s perfectly fine to hand your baby over to another reliable caregiver or to use a specialist cushion like the babocush whilst you take a moment for yourself. 

The Babocush Comfort Cushion is a revolutionary way to soothe your baby and can offer immediate relief for both you and your infant. By recreating the feeling of being in your arms, the babocush successfully soothes a crying infant and calms them. With gentle vibrations and sounds, your baby also benefits from the conditions which are present in the womb. This provides them with reassurance and familiarity, which helps to ease their distress. 

Identifying the cause of excessive crying

Wind / gas, reflux and baby colic can cause excessive and intense bouts of crying. In all instances, how you position your baby can have a dramatic effect on their symptoms and their discomfort. When you place your baby on the Babocush Comfort Cushion using the secure five-point harness, for example, they are supported in a way which helps to eliminate the symptoms of baby reflux, colic and wind / gas. 

Although these issues can cause discomfort and prolonged crying, switching your baby to a different position can drastically reduce the impact of their condition. In cases of baby reflux, for example, the infant’s milk travels back up the oesophagus, along with acid from the stomach. By holding them upright during and after feeding, you can minimise the amount of milk and acid which is able to escape back up the oesophagus and greatly relieve their discomfort. 

Similarly, holding your baby so that they feel a slight amount of pressure on their tummy or exposing them to noise can help to alleviate the symptoms of baby colic. As the Babocush Cushion is designed to hold your baby in the most effective position for reducing colic, wind and reflux, you’ll find that the support your baby receives will help to eradicate symptoms and minimise crying. 

Baby Sleep Patterns and Crying

Those precious little sighs might be adorable, but understanding baby sleep cycles can help you decipher their cries at night. Newborns have short sleep cycles, waking every few hours to feed. As they grow, their sleep cycles lengthen, allowing for longer stretches of sleep.

Helping Your Baby Sleep Better:

  • Create a bedtime routine: A calming bath, a gentle massage, and soft lullabies can signal to your baby that it's time to wind down.
  • Sleep-friendly environment: Keep the nursery dark, quiet, and cool. A white noise machine can help block out distractions.
  • Put them down drowsy but not asleep: This helps them learn to self-soothe and fall asleep independently.

Remember, establishing healthy sleep habits takes time and consistency. Be patient, and those restful nights will come!

Tips for Soothing a Crying Baby

Sometimes, all your little one needs is a little comfort from their favorite mama. Here are some tried-and-true soothing techniques:

  • The Magic of Swaddling: A snug swaddle can mimic the feeling of being in the womb and calm a fussy baby.
  • Rock-a-bye Baby: The rhythmic rocking motion can be very soothing. Try rocking in a chair or using a baby carrier while walking.
  • White Noise to the Rescue: A white noise machine can mimic the calming sounds of the womb and block out distractions.
  • Feeding and Burping Tips: Make sure your baby is properly latched during feeding to avoid gas. Burp them frequently throughout the feeding and afterwards.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to soothing a crying baby. Experiment and find what works best for you and your little one. Hearing a baby cry can be distressing at any time but excessive crying can be debilitating for both babies and caregivers. By trying a range of remedies, you can find the right ones to soothe your baby and relieve their discomfort and distress. 

While baby crying is entirely normal, it can be upsetting and frustrating, and you might worry that there is something wrong. Take a look at our five in-home remedies that you could try to help soothe your fussy baby

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