Preparing Your Baby for Winter: Essential Tips and Products

Preparing Your Baby for Winter: Essential Tips and Products

Posted by Meghan Semple on

When it comes to looking after your little one in winter, it can be a fine line between a snug little bug who's all wrapped up and an overheated infant who won’t stop fussing! Whether you are expecting your baby in the winter months or are prepping your little one for their first snowfall, it’s important you have everything you need to hand - whatever the weather! We’ve prepared a list of some key things you’ll need to make your move from fall to winter as smooth as possible for you and your baby.

Layers, layers layers 

It’s natural to think that the colder weather means it's time to bundle your baby up in a coat - however, it's much easier to build layers up than to try and get them off a fussing baby. Instead of opting for bulky coats (no matter how cute they are) build your baby’s layers up. Natural, breathable fabrics like lightweight cotton will help your baby adjust and regulate their own little temperature when being brought indoors and outdoors. 

Smoothing & soothing 

Cold weather also means dry weather, meaning your baby’s skin and mouth may be more prone to dryness and cracking in the winter months. Prevention is better than cure, so to keep your little one all lathered up, make sure to use a baby-safe lip balm and moisturisers and regularly apply throughout the colder weather. It’s important to do this throughout the day, as the change in temperature between going inside and outside will encourage skin dryness. 

Head, shoulders, knees and toes!

If you are out and about, dressing your baby for the day means ensuring that all of their head, shoulders, knees and toes are covered! This should include a cosy hat that covers their ears, mittens that cover their hands and socks and booties that stay on (although we know that’s an ongoing battle!). Whilst it is imperative that you keep your baby wrapped up when outside in the cold, as soon as you get indoors you should remove these extra layers. You will know if your baby is too warm by their face appearing red and flushed, they may also appear to be sweating or their tummy may feel very warm or even hot to the touch. This is why it is better to dress your baby in breathable layers that can be easily removed, than in bulky ones that are more difficult to get off.

Preparing Your Baby for Winter: Essential Tips and Products  | Babocush

Party for two 

Having a new baby usually means visitors and it is normal for friends and family to want to call around and see them, however winter is also the worst time of year for colds and illness being passed around. During this time you should consider keeping visitors to a minimum so that you and your baby don’t catch any colds, keeping you and your family safe during this precious time. Your guests should understand as after all, nobody wants a sick babe!

Sniffle supplies 

Should your baby catch a cold, it's a good idea to be stocked up on supplies as depending on the weather where you are, these could be difficult to obtain. Newborn babies can’t tell us what’s wrong, so ideally you should fill your cupboard full of all the usual remedies for stuffy noses, runny noses and of course unexplained fussiness. Make sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist on what products to buy and what to passover to ensure you have the best solutions on hand for your little one. If your baby doesn’t appear to be suffering from a cold, but is crying for more than 3 hours, for more than 3 days and for 3 weeks in a row - they may be suffering from colic or silent reflux

Seatbelt Check 

When placing your baby in their car seat you should perform the ‘pinch test’. When your baby is bundled up in their winter clothes it would be easy to assume that the car straps also need to be adjusted to accommodate these. However, it is vital that you check that there is no slack in their car straps. If you can pinch the car straps and gather material, this means that the straps are not tight enough. To test this out, ensure you are giving yourself ample time before leaving the house to carry out this crucial step. 

Preparing Your Baby for Winter: Essential Tips and Products

Pack for the weather 

In winter your baby bag might look a little bit different to other seasons! Light blankets, extra hats, mittens and socks as well as your baby safe lip balm and moisturizer should all make an appearance in your baby bag - remembering that baby mittens can disappear very easily when you have a wriggly newborn! While we often associate winter with dry and cold weather, we can also get plenty of wet weather too so make sure to have a rain cover for your baby’s pram. 

Winter sun 

When your baby is fresh out of the oven, they have little melatonin in their skin which means they have little to no protection from the sun. Although we may not see the sun very often in winter, it is something to keep in mind when taking your baby outdoors. When your baby is in their pram on those rare winter sunny days, ensure that there is a shade cover for your baby and that they are out of direct sunlight as much as possible. If your baby has jaundice, you may have been given advice to keep them in the sunlight to help alleviate this. However, it is no longer recommended to do this and is not a safe or effective treatment for jaundice. 

Easy sleeping

As bed time arrives, you may be tempted to add lots of extra blankets to your baby so you can be confident they are warm enough in their sleep. Yet, it is better to apply the same methodology to your outdoor activities as indoor - think lightweight cotton layers. For your baby this could be a cotton sleepsuit, followed by a sleeping bag which has a tog rating suitable for the temperatures near you. Ideally, your baby’s room temperature should be 16-20 degrees / 60-68 fahrenheit so use this as your guide. If it’s less than this, consider the sleeping bag and if it's more than this keep to the one sleepsuit. 

Having a little one in winter is no easy-feat between keeping them warm and safe from colds and extreme weather! But with a bit of extra planning and know-how, you can enjoy the cosiness of those first milestone months without the typical worries that winter can bring for new moms.

For more advice on navigating the newborn months read our blogs below:

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