Relief for Reflux Congestion: Tips to Clear Your Newborn's Airways

Relief for Reflux Congestion: Tips to Clear Your Newborn's Airways

Posted by Meghan Semple on

Reflux congestion is a common issue among newborns, causing discomfort and concern for many parents. Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) occurs when stomach contents flow back into the oesophagus, which can lead to congestion as the refluxed material can enter the nasal passages. This congestion can make breathing and feeding difficult for your baby. Fortunately, there are several effective methods to alleviate reflux congestion and ensure your newborn's comfort and safety.

Understand the Symptoms

Before addressing reflux congestion, it’s important to recognize the symptoms. Signs include frequent spitting up, irritability during or after feedings, coughing, wheezing, and nasal congestion. If your baby exhibits severe symptoms like poor weight gain or difficulty breathing, consult a paediatrician for guidance and treatment.

Relief for Reflux Congestion: Tips to Clear Your Newborn's Airways

Feeding Techniques

Proper feeding techniques can significantly reduce reflux congestion:

  1. Feed in an Upright Position: Hold your baby in an upright position during feedings and for at least 20-30 minutes afterward. This helps prevent stomach contents from flowing back into the oesophagus and nasal passages.
  2. Smaller, More Frequent Feedings: Instead of large feedings, offer smaller amounts more frequently. This reduces the volume of stomach contents and minimises the likelihood of reflux.
  3. Burp Frequently: Burp your baby during and after feedings to release any trapped air that can contribute to reflux and congestion.
Relief for Reflux Congestion: Tips to Clear Your Newborn's Airways

Positional Strategies

Positioning plays a crucial role in managing reflux:

  1. Elevate the Head: Slightly elevate the head of your baby’s crib or bassinet by placing a firm pillow or wedge under the mattress. This position helps keep stomach contents down and reduces congestion.
  2. Tummy Time: Supervised tummy time when your baby is awake and alert can strengthen neck and chest muscles, promoting better airway clearance.
Relief for Reflux Congestion: Tips to Clear Your Newborn's Airways

Nasal Congestion Relief

For immediate relief of nasal congestion, consider these safe and gentle methods:

  1. Saline Drops: Saline nasal drops can be used to moisten and loosen mucus. Administer a few drops into each nostril and gently suction with a bulb syringe.
  2. Nasal Aspirators: Electric nasal aspirators can be more effective than manual ones in clearing out mucus. Ensure they are designed specifically for infants.
  3. Humidifiers: Using a cool-mist humidifier in the baby’s room adds moisture to the air, helping to thin mucus and ease congestion.

Monitoring and Professional Advice

While home remedies are often effective, it’s essential to monitor your baby’s condition and seek professional advice when needed. Persistent or severe symptoms may require medical intervention. Your paediatrician can offer guidance tailored to your baby’s specific needs and might recommend medications if necessary.


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