Travelling with your baby and babocush

Travelling with your baby

Posted by Babocush Support on

When you have your first baby, there are so many firsts. Some are wonderful shared moments, others are more intimate and some are challenging. The newness extends into places too, your own home can feel different, as can outings to your favourite cafe or shop. At babocush, we know that some adjustments can be difficult for both parent and baby, hence our cushion was designed with familiarity in mind.  

Today though, we are taking our thoughts away from the home and further afield. Our tips for travelling with your baby plus advice on what is, and isn't, allowed are a summer holiday must-read.

When can my baby take a flight?

Essentially, due to there being no strict regulations, babies can board flights at just 2 days old. Some airlines, however, will only allow babies to fly at 2-weeks-old, so be sure to check in advance of your booking. Another consideration regarding age is your baby's due date, many airlines count from your baby's due date, so if they were born early you may have to wait longer before booking a flight. This advice varies for babies who are unwell when born or for those born via caesarean section.

From a practical point of view, it is important to remember that new-borns are required to have their own passports and can no longer fly on a parent's passport.

Baby safe seating on planes.

When making an online booking for an infant traveller, you may be prompted to choose between an on-flight seat and bringing a car seat. Again, some research before the flight will help guide you on what the airline has on offer for babies. If you find your baby is comfortable in their car seat, contact the airline and see if it possible to bring it to the airport with you.

Remember, a baby should never be placed in an adult seat without a cot or car seat. A lack of preparation could risk your place on the flight, see Virgin’s guidelines here.

Comfort in the air

As experts in offering contentment to your baby, we understand that a comfortable baby is a content baby. Whilst travelling, it is vital that you regulate your baby’s temperature by dressing them appropriately. Some light baby grows are a necessity as planes tend to be quite stuffy, even more so for your baby when spending an extended period of time in a car seat.

To help your baby adjust to the change in pressure and to help ease popping eardrums, feeding can be very effective. Once it is safe to remove your seatbelt on a flight, feeding can calm your baby and help reduce crying fits. If you are bottle feeding, some cooled boiled water can alleviate the effects of dehydration on a plane.

Contentment everywhere

Our aim is simple, we want to offer contentment to both parents and babies. For more info on what the babocush will do for you and your family, click here. To read more about keeping your baby comfortable, baby safety and other parenting tips, be sure to follow us on Twitter or like our Facebook page.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy your travels!

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