What will the babocush do for my baby?

What Will The Babocush Do For My Baby?

Posted by Babocush Support on

Parenting advice websites can feel like a never ending jungle of 'do's, don'ts, must haves and must avoid', there's one crucial problem though. How often do you finish reading another '100 revolutionary parenting tips' list and wonder; 'have I actually learnt anything?'. Let's face it, when you read about a product, you really want to know just 2 things, is it safe and what will it deliver?

At babocush, we have set out to address exactly what our product can do for your baby. We know your time is precious and each thing you read should inform, not confuse.


The primary aim of the babocush is to offer contentment to babies, it's that simple. We want your baby to be comfortable, regardless of if they suffer from colic, reflux or other conditions. For parents, the primary benefit is the soothing effect the cushion has on your baby. On top of this, it can also free up your hands to enjoy a tea or browse the web. In a home with more than one child, a contented baby can change the entire home environment.

Simply put the babocush delivers contentment to your home via your baby. But what of the health benefits?

Tummy time

Firstly; your baby should never sleep on the babocush nor should they be left on the cushion unattended.

The cushion is not like other rockers in that it encourages your baby to rest on their stomach. This allows your baby to alleviate pressure on their back, which is beneficial given they spend most of their infant life sleeping or hunched forward when cuddled. When babies take the weight off their backs, they are relaxing their airways which has a number of positive knock-ons. This isn't just our opinion, it's an opinion shared by the respiratory experts at the Royal Victoria Hospital.


Acid reflux is the medical term for spewing or spitting up food. Because we are exposed to babies spitting up food so often, we think it is perfectly normal and not treatable. In fact, small changes can help reduce the problem and eliminate some of the stresses of feeding time. Because of the tummy time position mentioned above, your baby can rest on the babocush post-feeding in a position that supports digestion.

Make other alterations to reduce the occurrence of reflux; try smaller portions at feeding times and winding your baby directly after each feed.


Colic is an extremely common condition which causes babies to cry for long periods of time. The crying fits, often associated with reactions to foods, feeding habits and even allergies, are as intense as they are long. The condition can cause great distress to parents, some wrongly believe they are to blame. In actual fact, colic is indiscriminate and affects up to 25% of babies.

The babocush has helped relieve colicky babies thanks to the unique laying position, the internal heartbeat simulator and gentle secure hold. The simulator, in particular, is great because its gentle vibration is reminiscent of the womb.

The evidence

At babocush, we don't expect people to rely solely on our words and descriptions of the cushion. We have a 4.5/5 star Facebook rating and our YouTube channel has plenty of examples of the babocush at work.

If you're still unsure how the will offer contentment to your baby, get in contact here or read our FAQs now.

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