What are your really expecting as a new mother? Babocush.com

What are your really expecting as a new mother?

Posted by Babocush Support on

"Pregnancy is the only time in life when you’ll fall in love with someone you haven’t met."

When you're pregnant, messages like these find their way into cards from colleagues, your Facebook page and you hear them from friends and family. Some people will share a lighter or more humorous message, citing your new alcohol, caffeine and sushi free-diet. There is, however, one word which is perpetually used to describe to describe pregnancy; expecting.

But, what are you expecting as a new mother?

Expecting suggests you are aware of all the oncoming changes but in reality, a lot of mothers aren't sure what exactly to expect. So, at Babocush we've devoted our time this week to exploring what mothers can expect when their baby arrives.

Expect...a new clock

Once you give birth, your concept of time changes entirely, you exist like an island with its own rotating time zone. You can essentially get rid of your alarm clock, the new love of your life will make see that you are up in the morning (plus noon and night).  Fortunately, you will be surprised how much your body clock adjusts to this new schedule, albeit you will be tired.

Another considerable time shift is how long it takes to go anywhere, literally anywhere. Leaving the house with your car keys and handbag becomes a rarity, now you leave home looking like you're destined for Everest itself. If you arrive late don't sweat it, it's the new norm. If by some miracle you arrive anywhere on time or even early, chances are you've forgotten something.

Expect... a handful

You'll become accustomed to physically having your hands full all of the time. As well as always carrying your baby, you and your partner will be inundated with stuff. Well-meaning friends and family will buy your gadgets, clothes, hats, bibs, dummies comforters and a multitude of items that will occupy your hands or home. Thankfully, at babocush, we can help with this one.

Our cushion can give you time to drink a tea, reply to a text or simply do nothing. While your baby is rested securely on the babocush, they are being comforted by the internal vibration of the heartbeat simulator. They are also benefitting from ‘tummy-time’, which takes pressure of their back and opens their airways. During this time, you can be near your baby but still enjoying an episode of your guilty pleasure or scrolling through some much needed Facebook gossip.

Expect... a new perspective.

Your outlook changes as soon as you give birth and your attitudes will slightly vary. Many new mothers note how your new day-to-day can be more simplistic in some ways and offer notably more contentment. Relationships with other people change somewhat as you begin to place a higher value on life around your baby. Some people find themselves with a new and more in-depth level of respect for their parents, mothers in particular.

This new perspective also finds its way into your relationship with your partner. Despite being occupied continuously and focusing on the task of raising a new-born, many parents discovered how the shared challenge brought them closer together. The added appreciation of simplicity makes it much easier to cope with your new, not always thrilling, routine.

Expect...to talk

For new parents (Dads see here), the whole experience can be daunting and simultaneously amazing, and you'll want to share that. If you would like to speak to other new parents, please join our Facebook group here. As well as some adorable babocush videos, you will also pick up hints and tips from people sharing your experiences all over the world.

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